Your interest rate is determined by:
- Your Loyalty tier, which in turn depends on the ratio of Bodax Tokens against the balance of other assets in your portfolio. The requirements for each tier are as follows:
- Base: No Bodax Tokens are needed.
- Silver: At least 1% of the Portfolio Balance in your account must comprise Bodax Tokens.
- Gold: At least 5% of the Portfolio Balance in your account must comprise Bodax Tokens.
- Platinum: At least 10% of the Portfolio Balance in your account must comprise Bodax Tokens.
- Whether you choose to receive your interest in kind or Bodax Tokens:
- Earning in kind means you receive your interest payments in the currency you’re earning on.
- Earning in Bodax means you receive interest payments in Bodax Tokens and benefit from up to 2% additional interest on all your holdings.
You can calculate your daily interest as shown below:
Daily Interest = Principal amount (in the original cryptocurrency) x (interest rate/365)
Note: Your interest rate will change depending on the ratio of Bodax Tokens to other assets in your portfolio and whether you decide to earn interest in Bodax or in kind.
Learn more about our interest rates here.